Christmas time is coming in fast steps, just one month and it will be already the 24th of december, so it's time to have a look for the christmas decoration offers in the shops.
My first intention was to look for natural things like pine cones, apples and straw stars to keep the decoration as simple as possible. And even when I found the first two things, nowhere was any straw star in sight (even not at IKEA and this shop is at least in Europe known for its large offer of straw stars.)
That straw stars are typical european, I just found out then (even when they are mostly made in China...).
When you type straw star at google.ca, you will find some strange instructions about how to bring a plastic straw in a star like shape, but nowhere you will find natural straw stars like in any german “Strohstern”.

Therefore you will find a huge offer of all plastic toys in the shops like stars, angels, plastic sugar canes and santas, in all colours (just not in orange, the christmas decoration theme I choosed for the year :-( ...), shining, with glitter en gros.
I wonder why they always have to overdo it. Let the glitter away and you would have at least a nice piece for your tree. But it seems like, that this is exactly what people are about to buy (of course I still find some nice pieces in between). But what else to think about a country which considers white artificial christmas trees as antique classical pieces. On the other hand, I admire the large collection of christmas stockings, which every shop offers, together with the fitting tree cloth to catch the needles, so that you dont have to worry about any stains on your floor. The only missing thing: We don't have a fireplace to hang them...